testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

KPSS ÖABT İngilizce Öğretmenliği Deneme Sınavı II

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

Which one of the following hypothetical sentences includes a past situation having a present result?

Soru 2

In which one of the sentences below participle clause is used correctly?

Soru 3

Which one of the sentences below is formed with the perfect aspect that highlights perfect of recent past?

Soru 4

In which one of the sentences below gerund or infinitive structure is used incorrectly in terms of its meaning?

Soru 5

Which of the following sentences has a non-finite verb?

Soru 6

The room getting continuously very hot was very uncomfortable to stay in so the kids asked their teacher to close the radiator.

What is the nature of the error in the given sentence?

Soru 7

Laboratory tests confirm the impression of competence ---- grammar; the children comprehend complex sentences, and correct ungrammatical ones. And they have an especially strange habit: they are fond ---- unusual words and grasp them quickly.

Soru 8

The officials, who failed the organization, ---- the needs of all refugees who ---- their countries in the face of severe war conditions before they arrived.

Soru 9

---- all the criticisms of his opponents, the president went on disregarding the expectations of the majority who had been complaining about the rising prices and high taxes on daily products.

Soru 10

Many teachers are encouraged to ---- technology into their traditional way of teaching by the school principals; however, most schools seem to fail in taking necessary ---- to adapt to this change in teaching style.

Soru 11

Which one of the sentences below contains a misspelled word?

Soru 12

Which one of the following contains a punctuation error?

Soru 13

CEFR, the Common European Framework of Reference far Languages, is the result of many years’ research and consultation by the Council of Europe, representing over forty countries. It is intended to provide a common basis for language education in such areas as curriculum design, methodology and assessment. One of its achievements has been to devise a comprehensive description of the components of language proficiency at all levels and across a range of skills. Another achievement is its promotion of the nation of bilingualism. Mast schools across the world have rushed to integrate CEFR into their curriculum, yet it is too early to judge whether they can successfully adapt ta this change.

What is the author's attitude towards CEFR?

Soru 14

Answer the questions 14. - 16. according to the passage below.

You may have experienced walking into a classroom and finding the movable desks all lined up in columns that are perpendicular to the front wall of the room. Neat and orderly, right? Wrong! If you won't get fired drom your teaching post by doing so, change the pattern immediately! Students are members of a team and should be able to see one another, to share ideas, to benefit from each other's learning experiences, to learn how to work in groups and peers, and not be made to feel like they just walked into a millitary formation. So you should take the control and provide your learners with all these benefits immediately. If you classroom has movable desks, consider patterns of semi-circles, U-shapes, concentric circles or, if your class size is small enough, one circle so that students aren't all squarely facing the teacher. If the room has tables with two to four students at each, try to come up with configurations that make interaction among students most feasible. Give some thought to how students will do small group and pair work with as little chaos as possible. Always keep in mind; having a proper sating plan is the starting point of having a fruitful teaching.

According to the author, which one of the below is not a reason to encourage students to sit facing each other?

Soru 15

The author suggests teachers to make some necessary configurations ta seating plan in case ----.

Soru 16

It can be inferred from the text that -------

Soru 17

Josh: l find it very difficult to understand a text in a limited time when I read it. As I talked to the professor, he suggested me to focus on bottom up reading focusing on the details like words, phrases. I am not sure if that will be useful.

Kate: -----

Josh: That sorunds reasonable. I also realize it makes more sense and I read a lot faster when I have some idea about a topic. Thanks.

Which of the following sentences completes the dialogue?

Soru 18

Adrian: I think one of the toughest decisions I face is testing students appropriately. I don't want to give them an inappropriate test and judge their performance through a wrong means of examination. What would you do if you wanted to have a high-stakes exam in the middle of the course to give them feedback about their so-far progress?

Dorothy: ---

Adrian: Ok then, I will prepare a test comprised of all the skills and language objectives we have covered so far in the mid course. I can adjust my teaching accordingly, too. Thanks.

Which of the following sentences completes the dialogue?

Soru 19

Katherine: ----------------- .

Gabriel: I don't think you need to use all. lf I were you, I would either abridge or subtract them.

Katherine: That sorunds good. Otherwise the lesson will take forever and students will get bored. I will choose the most appropriate and useful ones.

Which of the following sentences completes the dialogue?

Soru 20

lf you do not know a language, the words and sentences will be mainly incomprehensible, because the relationship between speech sorunds and the meanings they represent in the languages of the world is, far the most part, an arbitrary one.

Which of the following is a restatement of the given sentence?

Soru 21

As a discipline, linguistics continues to make important contributions not only ta the fıeld of education but also ta the other fields including sociology, psychology, law, medicine, technology and communication.

Which of the following is a restatement of the given sentence?

Soru 22

The members of a living community exist together in a particular, balanced relationship, or ecosystem. One animal species eats another animal species which in turn eats another. Over years, a balance is worked out among the plants and animals in a community and it remains basically stable. ---- However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects. Perhaps a disease results in the near extinction of one species, leaving another species with no natural predator. The result can be a terrifıc increase in that one species' population. This could further result in the devastation of a shared food supply, which could in turn affect another species.

Which of the following completes the paragraph?

Soru 23

Just as regular exercise can help people achieve cardiovascular and skeletal fitness, it can also help people improve their emotional fitness. One of the good things about exercise is that it reduces stress. ---- By improving ones' overall fitness, aerobic exercise makes a person more capable of handling stress. When exercising, blood circulation improves and people burn off the adrenalin that stress causes the body to produce. Another way that exercise helps people cope with stress is that after sufficient aerobic exercise, the body produces beta-endorphins, which are natural stress-relieving chemicals. What is more, exercise can also help alleviate depression.

Which of the following completes the paragraph?

Soru 24

(I) Brain damage due to genetic conditions is a well-known Cause of mental retardation. (II) Most people are Familiar with Down's syndrome, which occurs more often In babies whose mothers are over 35 years old. (III) Most Modern women seem to prefer getting married at a later Age compared to the past. (IV) The normal number Of chromosomes far people is 46; babies born with Down's syndrome have 47. (V) Another chromosome related cause of mental retardation is a malformation of X-chromosome. (VI) Evidently, the X-chromosome breaks in two, thereby altering the normal development of the fetus. (VII) Fortunately, blood tests can detect this Problem be fare birth and parents can be informed of the Possibility of having a baby with the disease.

Which of the sentences in the given paragraph is Irrelevant, violating its unity and coherence?

Soru 25

(I) When you are planning a process essay, your first question should be "What do my readers know about my topic?" (II) Identifying the audience is important in deciding what to include and what to omit in the essay. (III) For instance, suppose that you decided to explain how to paint a room ta an inexperienced audience - people who have never before painted a room. (IV) It might worry you a little bit but you should focus on your purpose. (V) However, if your audience were made up of professional or experienced painters, you would have to approach the assignment differently. (VI) In this case, you would probably explain a special! Technique that your audience may not be aware of.

Which of the sentences in the given paragraph is irrelevant, violating its unity and coherence?

Soru 26

Which of the following does not contain "oxymoron"?

Soru 27

Which of the following is a work of Virginia Woolf?

Soru 28

--- is a literary device used in drama. The purpose is to reveal the innermost thoughts and feelings of the characler. Not knowing that he is not alone on stage, the character talks to himself and gives details about the character's past, present or future.

Choose the option that completes the sentence.

Soru 29

- Extreme emotions ta evoke extreme pity

- Emerged against obscenity and indecency of Restoration drama

- Popular among the 18th century middle class

Which of the following do these features belong to?

Soru 30

Which of the following is a characteristic of comedy?

Soru 31

Which of the following is not a romantic writer?

Soru 32

Which of the following is not a fiction genre?

Soru 33

Which of the words below has an inflectional suffix?

Soru 34

- Reduction of a word ta a different type through widespread use

- A morphological process in which a root morpheme is replaced by a phonologically unrelated form

- Combination of the beginning of one word and the end of another

- A process in which a polysyllabic word is shortened by deleting syllabuses

Which one of the options below gives the correct order of morphological processes above defined?

Soru 35

Which one of the words below is not polysemous?

Soru 36

Which one of the sentences below is semantically incorrect?

Soru 37

Bilingual Latinos, when speaking English, may insert a Spanish word or phrase within a single sentence or move back and forth between Spanish and English, a process which is called ---.

Which one of the words below fits into the blank?

Soru 38

Which one of the words below is not formed by the combination of an adjective and a noun?

Soru 39

In which of the sentences below the weak forms in spoken language are underlined correctly considering their pronunciation?

Soru 40

Yes ... Ah ... Monday ... Ah . . . Dad.. And ... Dad.. Ah... Hospital... And . . . Ah ... Thursday... Thursday ... Nine O’clock and ah Thursday ... And I...

Which brain disorder does a patient uttering such sentences suffer from?

Soru 41

---- requires enabling learners ta infer rules without awareness. Learners are provided with many exemplars of a rule while learners are not trying to learn the rule but gel the message. Meanwhile, they internalize the underlying rule.

Which one of the below completes the gap in the sentence above?

Soru 42

---- can be considered as the forerunner of Behaviorism and Direct Method.

Which one of the below best fits into the blank?

Soru 43

Children can produce sentences that they have never heard before although input that a child is exposed to is not enough to learn a language completely.

Which one of the below supports the explanation above?

Soru 44

Which one of the below is not one of the main principles of Cognitive learning theories?

Soru 45

Which one of the techniques below is not used in The Silent Way?

Soru 46

Which one of the teaching strategies below is inappropriate to use while teaching spatial-visual learners?

Soru 47

Which one of the below is not a classroom implication considering error treatment?

Soru 48

What is deductive learning?

Soru 49

A teacher who adapts the role of an investigator ---.

Which one of the below best fits into the blank?

Soru 50

A thematic syllabus ---.

Which one of the below best fits into the blank?

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  • Toplam Soru : 50
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