testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

2022 LGS İngilizce Deneme Sınavı

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

Sam: lt is Bob's birthday tomorrow. ı want to buy him a trendy jacket.

Alvin: You know he is not into fashion ........................ .

Soru 2

Shamil: I'm organising a footvolley tournament on Saturday afternoon. Fancy joining us?

Mohammad: That would be great. So, what time are you going to go?

Shamil: We are going to go to Patong Beach at 4 in the afternoon.

Mohammad: . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

Shamil: Patong Beach.

2019 LGS İngilizce Deneme Sınavı

Soru 3

Tina: Hi Sally. lt's Tina.

Sally: Hi Tina.

Tina: How are you? l'm worried about you. You didn't attend to guitar course yesterday.

Sally: Oh, my dog is ili and l'm taking care of it.

Tina: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Soru 4

A: ................ ?

B: Nearly three hours?

Soru 5

The most important ........... in most Turkish dishes is olive oil.

Soru 6

AII children must ............ their bed sand .............. the ir rooms in the dormitory.

Soru 7

In my opinion the Internet is important in our lives. l use it for my homework, projects and e mailing people. We have golone computer at home and avarybody in my family usas it. But I have a smart phone and I can use the lnternet. I don't like games or chatrooms. So I don't use it for fun. l seldom use it to read the news about our country and world.

What is Amanda's purpose for using the Internet?

Soru 8

Find the unsuitable sentence in the paragraph. (I) Bodrum is a seaside town on the soruth west of Turkey. (ll) lt's famous for white houses. (lll) lt's one of the best tourist attractions in Turkey. (IV) I prefer ancient cities.

Soru 9

In order to see how far they can go or test themselves, people try different kinds of sports such as sky diving, bungee jumping or ice climbing. These people are called ........ .

Soru 10

İsmet: What does "run your own restaurant" mean?

Sezgin: lt means you .............................

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  • Toplam Soru : 10
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