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2021 Mart LGS İngilizce Örnek Sorular

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

Check the information below and answer the question.

We conducted a survey about the music preferences of 100 boys and 100 girls in our school, and here are the results:

2021 LGS Mart İngilizce Örnek Sorular 1

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the information above?

Soru 2

Read the conversation about the lunch menu and answer the question.

2021 LGS Mart İngilizce Örnek Sorular 1

Lily : Did you see the lunch menu for this week, Tom?

Tom : Yes, I think I am going to prepare my meal at home and bring it to school on - - - -.

Lily : Why?

Tom : I really love meat, but I dislike eating vegetables

Which of the following completes the conversation above?

Soru 3

Read the text and answer the question.

Tim, Richard, Emily, and Helen want to leave a message for the people they are trying to reach, and they have different excuses:

2021 LGS Mart İngilizce Örnek Sorular 2

Whose message does NOT reflect his/her excuse correctly?

Soru 4

Read the text and answer the question.

Mr Aslan, an English teacher, creates a discussion topic on EBA and asks his students to share their opinions about the Internet. Here are some of his students’ comments:

2021 LGS Mart İngilizce Örnek Sorular 4

According to the information above, which two students are talking about the positive sides of the Internet?

Soru 5

Read the statements and answer the question.

2021 LGS Mart İngilizce Örnek Sorular 2

Which of the following does NOT match any of the statements above?

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  • Toplam Soru : 5
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