testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

2021 Şubat LGS İngilizce Örnek Sorular

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

Read the text, look at the table, and answer the question.

Sabrina: I have a true friend in my class. She never tells lies and always keeps my secrets. She often makes jokes. We generally get on well with each other because we share the same hobbies. We usually ride a bike and go to the cinema together. I like spending time with her.

2021 Şubat LGS MEB İngilizce Örnek Soru Çöz

According to the information above, who is Sabrina’s best friend?

Soru 2

Look at the poster below and complete the sentence

2021 Şubat LGS MEB İngilizce Örnek Soru Çöz

Soru 3

A restaurant does a survey about the food preferences of its customers. The purpose is to find the most popular meals and to prepare a different menu according to the preferences of the customers. Here is some information about the results of the survey:

• Vegetable sorups are more popular than the other sorups.
• Only a few people dislike eating meat.
• Most of the people like having a dessert after their meal.

Which of the following should the restaurant prepare according to the information above?

Soru 4

Read the conversation and answer the question.

2021 Şubat LGS MEB İngilizce Örnek Soru Çöz

Which of the following is CORRECT according to the conversation?

Soru 5

Read the text and answer the question.

People can use the Internet to do different things. For example, they:

• have fun,

• communicate with others,

• search for information and learn new things.

Whose purpose of using the Internet does NOT match the examples in the text above?

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  • Toplam Soru : 5
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