testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

Banka Sınavı İngilizce Soruları II

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

1.-4. soruda, cümlede boş bırakılan yeri en uygun şekilde tamamlayacak kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

The speaker was angry because the audience kept …………… him to ask irrelevant questions.

Soru 2
The movie was boring. By the end, so many people …………………. that the hall was almost empty.
Soru 3
Along with the increase in population in the city, there has been an increase in the rate of crime. ………………, a housing shortage has developed.
Soru 4
The management will certainly ……… your complaint to see who is right.
Soru 5

5.ve 6. soruları verilen metne göre cevaplandırınız.

……(I)…… actors, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, attract thousands of spectators is difficult to understand. They have no talent ……(II)…… their films are full of violence.

Metinde (I) numaralı boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun ifade hangisidir?

Soru 6
Metinde (II) numaralı boşluğa gelebilecek en uygun ifade hangisidir?
Soru 7

AAA: I’m going hiking in the mountains for my vacation.

BBB: ………………….. . After working as hard as you do, I would think you would want to spend a few weeks just lying on a sunny beach reading a good book.

AAA: I’m tired of lazy vacations by the sea. I’m really looking forward to three weeks walking in the mountains.

Yukarıdaki karşılıklı konuşmada boş bırakılan yere gelebilecek en uygun ifade hangisidir?

Soru 8

8.-10. soruları aşağıdaki metne göre cevaplandırınız.

The earliest system of writing is usually attributed to Sumerians of Mesopotamia during the end of the fourth millenium B.C. There, officials of such Sumerian city-states as Uruk had developed a system of recording numerals, pictographs, and ideographs on specially prepared clay surfaces. Although the clay blanks used by the Uruk are universally referred to as tablets, a word with the connotation of flatness, they are actually convex. Individual characters were inscribed in the clay by means of a tool with a pointed end made of wood, bone or ivory. The characters were basically of two kinds: numerical signs and other signs such as pictographs and ideographs. The repertory of characters used by the Uruk was large. It is estimated at no fewer than 1,500 seperate signs.

This passage mainly discusses…….... .
Soru 9
Sumerian clay blanks ……………… .
Soru 10
It is clearly stated in the passage that …………….. .
Soru 11
“…………… cause extensive damage to Pacific Island nations each year.” cümlesini en uygun şekilde tamamlayabilecek ifade aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?
Soru 12

(I) As centuries passed and human cultures evolved and blossomed, man began to organize their knowledge of nature into the broad field of natural history. (II) One aspect of early natural history concerned the use of plants for drugs and medicine. (III) The early herbalists sometimes overworked their imagination in this respect. (IV) Nevertheless, the overall contributions of the early observers provided the fundamentals of our present knowledge of drugs and their uses. (V) For instance, believing that a plant resembling an internal organ would cure ailments of that organ, they could prescribe a heart shaped leaf for a person suffering from heart problems.

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  • Toplam Soru : 12
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