testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

Banka Sınavlarında Çıkmış İngilizce Soruları

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

1-6. sorularda, cümledeki boşluğa doğru şekilde tamamlayan kelimeyi veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

A professor of psychology recently studied ......... some very good students often fail exams.

Soru 2
lt was stated that many students fall exams ......... they become extremely nervous and cannot think loglcally.
Soru 3
Extremely nervous students forget everything ......... they have studied.
Soru 4
lt was also raported that ....... a student feels before she takes a test is important.
Soru 5
....... was told to extremely nervous students is to breathe deeply and to get rid of negative thinking.
Soru 6
If students follow soma simple things, it is certain ............... many unusually nervous students can perform better in test situations.
Soru 7

7-10. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin İngilizce dengini bulunuz.

Merkez Bankası önümüzdeki yıl da dalgalı kur rejimini uygulamaya devam edecektir.

Soru 8
Kamu mali yönetimi, hükümetin istikrar programının anahtarıdır.
Soru 9
Bankacılık sektöründe, önümüzdeki üç yıl için hedef, Türkiye'deki denetim çerçevesinin Avrupa Birliği standartlarına daha da uyumlu hala getirilmesidir.
Soru 10

Son dönemde açıklanan veriler enflasyonda gözlenen kısmi iyileşmenin sürdüğüne işaret etmektedir.

Soru 11

11-14. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin Türkçe dengini bulunuz.

Present agricultural support policies are not the most cost-effective way of providing support to poor farmers.

Soru 12
Minimum wage increases are datermined by the Minimum Wage Commission, consisting of representatives of the govarnment, the trade unions, and the employers.
Soru 13
The domestic currency has depreciated by more than 15 percent since the beginning of 2017.
Soru 14
The employable population is still rising rapidly and unemployment rates remain at high levels despite the increase in the number of people employed.
Soru 15

15 -19. sorular aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplandırılacaktır.

Food, energy and other commodity prices continued to have adverse effects on inflation in the first quarter of 2017. Oil prices continued to rise and averaged around 100 USD per barrel. Annual food price inflation remained at elevated levels, reaching 13.4 percent in March. Moreover, rising financial volatility and declining risk appetite on the back of ongoing global uncertainties have led to exchange rate movements which had first raund effects on March inftation. Consequently, inftatian rose to 9.15 percent at the end of the first quarter, breaching the upper limit of the uncertainty band. As a consequence 6.13 percentage points of the 9.15 percent annual Consurner Price Index (CPI) inftatian in March resulted from the food and energy items. Annual inflation in core goods and services remained flat over the previous quarter, confirming that the rise in inflation can be mostly attributed to factors beyond the control of the monetary policy. Annual inflation in CPI excluding food, energy and tobacco items was at 4.8 percent at the end of the first quarter.

Which of the following did not have an effect on inflation in 2017?

Soru 16
What was the annual inflation rate in the first quarter of 2017?
Soru 17
What can be inferred about factors that are in the control of monetary policy?
Soru 18
Which of the following was not a factor in the March inftation?
Soru 19
What is the passage about?
Soru 20

20- 24. sorular aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplandırılacaktır.

(1) Annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation, which was 9.7 percent ln 2006, dropped to 7.7 percent by October 2017. Price hikes in unprocessed food products, price increments in tobacco products and the lagged effects of the depreciation of the New Turkish lira in 2006 triggered a rise in inflation in the first quarter of 2007. However, in the following months, despite the unfavorable developments in unprocessed food and oil prices and the rise in public expenditures, inflation assumed a downward track, with the help of the lagged effects of monetary tightening that started in June 2006 on private consumption demand.

(2) The annual Producer Price Index (PPI) inflation, which is an important indicator for evaluating the cost-side effects on consumer inflation, dropped to 4.4 percent by October 2007, from 11.6 percent in 2006. While annual inflation in producer prices increased in the first quarter mainly due to the rise in energy prices, it decreased substantially in the second quarter compared to the same period of 2006 with the effect of the high base effect. Meanwhile, there was a limited rise in the prices of manufacturing industry excluding petroleum products. Annual PPI inflation in subsequent months displayed an increase due to the rise in prices of agricultural products, food and petroleum products.

Which of the following was not mentioned as a factor in inflation rise in 2007?

Soru 21
Which of the following helped inflation to decrease in 2007?
Soru 22
How much did the annual Producer Price Index decrease from 2006 to 2007?
Soru 23
Why did the annual inflation in producer prices increase in the first quarter?
Soru 24
What does it on paragraph 2 refer to?
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  • Toplam Soru : 24
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