testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

YDS Adjective Test I

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

It's amazing how hourglasses, which use slowly flowing sand to measure time, are .......... electric devices.

Soru 2

I think it's a good idea on the first day of your visit for us to go on a Bosphorus cruise because it will be .......... tiring for you .......... sightseeing.

Soru 3

His team had ......... a disastrous season that they will play in a lower division next year.

Soru 4

He practised ........ for hours that his mother had to pull him away from his trumpet for dinner.

Soru 5

Students study ......... if they take a break approximately every hour because they come back with refreshed minds.

Soru 6

Because she becomes nervous when she is talking to her teachers, she doesn't speak English .......... with them .......... with her friends.

Soru 7

......... important 20th-century development, for automation and for robots in particular, was the invention of the computer.

Soru 8

.......... you practice the language, .......... you'll become at speaking it.

Soru 9

King Charles's restaurant is ......... place to dine at that customers need to book a table at least a week in advance.

Soru 10

Is it.......... to walk to the ferry terminal from here? There is .......... traffic that we will probably get there quicker if we walk.

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  • Toplam Soru : 10
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