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Soru 1
Bows and arrows are one of man's oldest weapons. They gave early man an effective weapon to kill his enemies. The ordinary bow or short bow was used by nearly all early people. ----However, man overcame these faults by learning to track his targets at a close range.
Soru 2
Visual cues can help prevent absentmindedness. But be sure the cue is clear and available ----Don't leave it in the medicine chest and write yourself a note that you keep in a pocket.
Soru 3
You might be surprised to find out that the largest organ in your body is your skin, which you might not think of as an organ. No matter how you think of it, your skin is very important. It covers and protects everything inside your body. ----It holds everything together.
Soru 4
People do not analyse every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a similar problem. ----Other times they begin to act without thinking. They try to find a solution by trial and error. However, when all these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing.
Soru 5
London taxi drivers know the capital like the back of their hands. -----. The reason they are so efficient is that they all have gone through a very tough training period to get special taxi driving license.
Soru 6
Venus, the second planet from the Sun, is the Earth's near twin in key respects. ----. They are not gas giants that orbit much further out. The two resemble each other in diameter, mass, and density. Venus is also the Earth's nearest neighbour.
Soru 7
Solar astronomers do know that the Sun is divided into five layers or zones. Starting at the outside and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromosphere photosphere, convection zone, and the core. ----. But since the Sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where it ends and the main body of the Sun begins.
Soru 8
----. The most important part you can play is to be there. You can let your friends know that you care. You can listen and try to solve the problem behind your friend's need to use drugs. Two people together can often solve a problem that seems too big for one person alone.
Soru 9
Many parents who welcome the idea of turning off the TV and spending more time with the family are still worried that without TV they would constantly be on call as entertainers for their children. —. However, their own kids seem different, less resorurceful, somehow. When there is nothing to do, these parents observe regretfully, their kids seem unable to come up with anything to do besides turning on the TV.
Soru 10
There is diversity in Japanese early childhood education. Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential development. —. Some Japanese parents believe that this university-based program will increase the children's chances of eventually being admitted to top-rated schools and universities.
Soru 11
In 1993, New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage containers. Plenty of companies were eager to accept the aluminium and glass as raw materials for new products. —. The problem was not limited to New York. Unfortunately, there were too few uses for second-hand plastic.
Soru 12
In 1971, the great Persian Empire celebrated the 2500th anniversary of its founding. —. His son Cambyses succeeded him, conquering Egypt and expanding the empire. Darius I followed him and was probably the most famous of this long line of kings.
Soru 13
British universities can be divided roughly into three main groups: the old universities; the Redbrick universities; the new universities. The old universities refer to those founded before 1600. —. Until the 19th century, they were the only two. Universities in England.
Soru 14
In a market system, individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the market place. Transactions may take place through barter or money exchange. In a barter economy, real goods such as automobiles, shoes, and pizzas are traded against each other. —. Hence the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably.
Soru 15
Over a period of more than 400 million years, trees have evolved as the tallest, most massive, and longest-lived organisms ever to inhabit the Earth. Yet trees lack a means of defence that almost every animal has. —. That's why all type of living and non-living enemies such as fire, storms, micro-organisms, insects, other animals and, later, humans have wounded them throughout their history.
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  • Toplam Soru : 15
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