testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

YKS Yabancı Dil Deneme Sınavı Çöz II

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

1 - 12 . sorularda cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

The prisoners drew up a plan secretly to - - - - of jail but fortunately they couldn’t succeed.

Soru 2
The cost of building materials has risen sharply. - - - -, construction companies are forced to increase the home prices.
Soru 3
I don’t remember where I’ve parked my car. It’s - - - - in sight.
Soru 4
The king earned a reputation as a man who was - - - - toward the poor and disadvantaged on the contrary the prince was a real tyrant.
Soru 5
When I gave her the letter, she could hardly control her - - - - that her hands were trembling and her voice was shaking.
Soru 6
She sold all her jewellery and donated the money to the charity which makes - - - - contributions to the countries suffering from poverty and underdevelopment.
Soru 7
Any kind of peace agreement between the warring native tribes still seems a long way - - - -.
Soru 8
It’s high time you - - - - thinking about your professional career.
Soru 9
Asthma - - - - to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors which - - - - to include exposure to air pollution and allergens.
Soru 10
Ever since I - - - - taking workshops, my painting skills - - - - a lot.
Soru 11
As a tour guide I recommend that everyone - - - - a copy of their passport before they start their journey.
Soru 12
It was such a dark and stormy night that the houses - - - - roofs were shaking collapsed.
Soru 13

13 - 17. sorularda boşluklara uygun düşen seçenekleri bulunuz.

Los Angeles, situated in Southern California, officially the City of Los Angeles and also known by (13) - - - - initials L.A. is the second largest city in the U.S. after New York. The City of Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic (14) - - - -, sprawling metropolis, and as a (15) - - - - center of the American entertainment industry. The city was ruled by Spanish and Mexicans in the history and in 1847 America (16) - - - - the city in hand. With the growth of film industry, Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is today one of the (17) - - - - cities in the world.

Soru 14
Los Angeles, situated in Southern California, officially the City of Los Angeles and also known by (13) - - - - initials L.A. is the second largest city in the U.S. after New York. The City of Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic (14) - - - -, sprawling metropolis, and as a (15) - - - - center of the American entertainment industry. The city was ruled by Spanish and Mexicans in the history and in 1847 America (16) - - - - the city in hand. With the growth of film industry, Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is today one of the (17) - - - - cities in the world.
Soru 15
Los Angeles, situated in Southern California, officially the City of Los Angeles and also known by (13) - - - - initials L.A. is the second largest city in the U.S. after New York. The City of Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic (14) - - - -, sprawling metropolis, and as a (15) - - - - center of the American entertainment industry. The city was ruled by Spanish and Mexicans in the history and in 1847 America (16) - - - - the city in hand. With the growth of film industry, Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is today one of the (17) - - - - cities in the world.
Soru 16
Los Angeles, situated in Southern California, officially the City of Los Angeles and also known by (13) - - - - initials L.A. is the second largest city in the U.S. after New York. The City of Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic (14) - - - -, sprawling metropolis, and as a (15) - - - - center of the American entertainment industry. The city was ruled by Spanish and Mexicans in the history and in 1847 America (16) - - - - the city in hand. With the growth of film industry, Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is today one of the (17) - - - - cities in the world.
Soru 17
Los Angeles, situated in Southern California, officially the City of Los Angeles and also known by (13) - - - - initials L.A. is the second largest city in the U.S. after New York. The City of Los Angeles is known for its Mediterranean climate, ethnic (14) - - - -, sprawling metropolis, and as a (15) - - - - center of the American entertainment industry. The city was ruled by Spanish and Mexicans in the history and in 1847 America (16) - - - - the city in hand. With the growth of film industry, Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is today one of the (17) - - - - cities in the world.
Soru 18

18 - 25. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

The fastest growing demographic on Twitter is the 55-64 year age bracket - - - -.

Soru 19
The difference between the modern psychologist and the early one is that - - - -.
Soru 20
As a percentage of the size of the body it orbits, the Moon is the largest satellite of any planet in our solar system, - - - -.
Soru 21
The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels - - - -
Soru 22
Water itself does not conduct electricity well, - - - -.
Soru 23
A genetic study in 2007 concluded that domestic cats are descended from Near Eastern wildcats, - - - -.
Soru 24
The Mimic Octopus cannot only change colors, - - - -.
Soru 25
When the University of Nebraska cornhuskers play football at home - - - -.
Soru 26

26 - 31. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

Fear of being buried alive was so widespread in the 19th century that safety coffins were invented to give the prematurely buried a chance for escape.

Soru 27
The Seminar “Techniques for Testing” has been prepared for the teachers to enable them to write both multiple choice and open ended tests.
Soru 28
In 1907 Maria Montessori established a center in the slums of Rome for preschool children who were left unsupervised while their parents worked.
Soru 29
In one day of heavy fighting during the Battle of Stalingrad, a local railway station changed hands from Soviet to German control and back again fourteen times in six hours.
Soru 30
If Michael Phelps were a country, he’d rank no.35 on the all-time Olympic gold medal list, ahead of 97 nations.
Soru 31
Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which the strength of a behavior is modified by its consequences, such as reward or punishment, and the behavior is controlled by antecedents called discriminative stimuli which come to signal those consequences.
Soru 32

32 - 37. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

32. En basitinden en yüksek teknolojiye kadar çeşitli teknolojik yöntemler otizmli çocukların günlük yaşam becerilerini artırmak için kullanılmalıdır.

Soru 33
İstanbul surlarının klasik ortaçağ surlarından en belirgin farkı, aynı zamanda estetik kaygılar taşı- yan bir toplum tarafından inşa edilmiş olmasıdır.
Soru 34
1950’lerin başına kadar Everest Dağı’na tırmanışına izin verilen tek yabancı tırmanışçılar Britanya’dandı.
Soru 35
Asit yağmuru, yüksek miktarda sülfürik ya da nitrik içeren yağmur, kar ya da sis olarak bilinmektedir.
Soru 36
Çayın, milattan önce 2737 yılında bir Çin imparatoru tarafından birkaç çay yaprağının, içinde su kaynayan bir demliğe tesadüfen düşünce keşfedildiği söylenmektedir.
Soru 37
İnsanoğlundan farklı olarak kediler asla derin uykuya dalmazlar ve aralıklı olarak çevrenin güvenli olup olmadığını kontrol etmek için uyanırlar.
Soru 38

38 - 40. soruları verilen parçaya göre cevaplandırınız.

The Communist of Party of Kampuchea (CPK) in Cambodia, otherwise as known Khmer Rouge, was formed in 1968 as an offshoot of the Vietnam People’s Army from North Vietnam. It allied with North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, and the Pathet Lao during the Vietnam War against the anti-communist forces from 1968 to 1975. When it was removed from power by Vietnamese during the Cambodian–Vietnamese War, it was the ruling party in Cambodia (then known as Democratic Kampuchea) from 1975 until 1979. It was led by Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, and Khieu Samphan. The organization is remembered especially for orchestrating the Cambodian genocide, which resulted from the enforcement of its social engineering policies. Its attempts at agricultural reform led to widespread famine, while its insistence on absolute self-sufficiency, even in the supply of medicine, led to the death of thousands from treatable diseases such as malaria. Arbitrary executions and torture carried out by its cadres against perceived subversive elements, or during purges of its own ranks between 1975 and 1978, are considered to have constituted genocide.

We can infer from the passage that - - - -.

Soru 39
We can understand from the passage that - - - -.
Soru 40
We can conclude from the passage that - - - -.
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  • Toplam Soru : 40
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