testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

2022 YDT ingilizce Deneme Sınavı

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

1-8. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

One of the great ---- of Einstein was his discovery of the photoelectric effect for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1921.

Soru 2

After an ---- majority voted in favour of independence during the election, Bougainville may be well on the path of becoming an independent country

Soru 3

A female polar bear gives birth to only one baby a year, and breastfeeds it ---- until the next mating season.

Soru 4

The U.S. economy has ---- to a 2.5 percent pace of growth in the second half of this year thanks to the new policies on trade and marketing.

Soru 5

People following a clean diet, try to eat the way nature intended, so they ---- additives and processed foods.

Soru 6

The King of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, who ---- the country to become a member of the UN, ---- the throne after the 1973 famine.

Soru 7

According to Fred Genesee, a professor of psycholinguistics, children simply need ---- to a different language for at least 30 percent of their waking hours so that they ---- it.

Soru 8

It is surprising that Tenzing Norgay Sherpa and Sir Edmund Hillary, who were the first mountaineers ---- Mount Everest, ---- it without the help of supplemental oxygen.

Soru 9

9-15. sorularda cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

The Cold War rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted ---- decades and resulted ---- mutual suspicions and international incidents that led the two superpowers to the brink of a nuclear disaster.

Soru 10

. In a study conducted last year, scientists found out that children’s muscles recover ---- high-intensity exercise far more quickly than those of athletes, and they now hope that further research might reveal how our body changes ---- age.

Soru 11

Towards the end of World War II, most Germans were certain that they would be victorious, ---- some politicians and high-ranking soldiers knew they were on the verge of defeat.

Soru 12

King Arthur, who was the heir to the throne after his father King Uther Pendragon, became the king of England ---- he surpassed all the contenders of the throne.

Soru 13

Not ---- learner can excel in a foreign language, but ---- who takes a few courses can produce simple sentences.

Soru 14

Although the town of Sambuca, which is situated on the island of Sicily, is endowed with ---- beauties ---- gorgeous beaches and Arabesque architecture, the houses have sharply diminished in value for the past decade.

Soru 15

The company has launched a campaign against genetic engineering in agriculture and for promoting healthy living ---- humanity and nature.

Soru 16

16-20. sorularda aşağıdaki parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

Phonology (16)---- phonetics in order to see how sorunds or signs (17)---- in a system in each language. In phonology, it matters (18)---- sorunds are contrastive or not. For example, in English, [r] and [l] are two different sorunds - and the words “road” and “load” differ according to which of these sorunds is used. But in some languages, [r] and [l] are variations of the same sorund. Speakers of such languages (19)---- never make a meaning difference in words that differ by only that sorund. Phonologists study not only contrastive consonants and vowels in a language, but also the way pronunciation is affected by the position of the sorund in the word and the sorunds that are nearby. They are also interested (20)---- syllables, phrases, rhythm, tone, and intonation.

Soru 17
Soru 18
Soru 19
Soru 20
Soru 21

21-28. sorularda verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.

----, so it will be better to prefer air-drying instead.

Soru 22

Although they catch up quickly, ----.

Soru 23

----, there was no sign of a postal system that we would recognise today.

Soru 24

The flu virus, which claims half a million lives every year, mutates constantly; ----.

Soru 25

Recognising people who have made great contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavours, ----.

Soru 26

In addition to working in the office for long hours, ----.

Soru 27

In younger patients, cataracts may be caused by diabetes, eye injuries or other conditions of the eye, such as uveitis ----.

Soru 28

The “Roaring Twenties,” which was actually a period from about 1923 to late 1929, is a prominent era ----.

Soru 29

29-31. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Walter Tull was born on 28th April 1888 to a slave Barbadian father and a British mother. Although he was of mixed race, he was always considered to be black. He began playing football at Clapton and at the age of 21, he was transferred to Tottenham. When he made his debut against Sunderland, he became the third black football player to show up in the English Football League after Arthur Wharton and Billy Clarke. Everything was like a dream for the Tully, who was leaving many people with a strong impression owing to his great form. However, this dream would soon turn into a nightmare. In September 1909, he was exposed to racist abuse during the away game against Bristol City and for the first time, a racist incident on a football field was reported as news. In the news report in Football Star Magazine, Bristol fans were called “hooligans,” which was not a common word at the time. After the disgusting assault, Tull went all shy and his teammates turned their backs on him. He left Tottenham and continued to play for Northampton Town until World War I broke out. Tull signed up for the battalion consisting of football players. His leadership skills were soon noticed by his superiors. Consequently, they sent him to the military academy in Scotland although, at the time, blacks were not allowed to be military officers. Eventually, he became the first ever black officer in the English army. Tull was killed in the battle in Pas-de-Calais, but his body was never found.

It is understood from the passage that Tull ----.

Soru 30

According to the passage, Tull was able to become a military officer ----.

Soru 31

What is the author’s primary purpose in this passage?

Soru 32

32-34. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Electric cars have reformed the electric vehicle industry. These cars are environmentally safe and they have the potential to give a superior performance to users. They have a powerful battery, which is charged with electricity. This battery is somewhat similar to the batteries that can be found in your laptops and smartphones. Namely, lithium ion battery is used for electric cars in order to power them up. In order to move the car, electric motors convert electrical energy drawn from the batteries to mechanical power. This way is more efficient than the technology that is used in combustion engines found on traditional cars. As a result of this, if one drives an electric car, they will be able to cover a longer distance with their charge and this means saving money in the long term.

How does having an electric car affect the users’ budget?

Soru 33

It’s understood from the passage that the battery used in electric cars ----.

Soru 34

What is the author’s primary purpose in this passage?

Soru 35

35-37. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Medical tests like imaging internal organs often require operating patients or making them swallow big tubes with cameras on them. But what if we get the same results with less expensive, invasive and time-consuming methods? Scientists from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) led by Professor Dina Katabi are working on a device called ReMix, a system which is described as “in-body GPS.” Practically, the patient swallows an implant and ReMix connects this implant wirelessly. If there is a tumour in a tissue or an organ, the implant homes in it and ReMix detects its location with the help of wireless signals. To test the device, Katabi’s group first implanted a small marker in animal tissues. To track its movement, they used a wireless device that reflects radio signals off the patient. It was based on a wireless technology that the researchers previously demonstrated to detect heart rate, breathing, and movement. A special algorithm then uses that signal to pinpoint the exact location of the marker. In animal tests, they succeeded in tracking the implants with centimeter level accuracy. Now, they think that such implants can be used to deliver drugs to specific regions in the body in the future.

What makes ReMix superior to the other methods used for medical testing?

Soru 36

ReMix, a system which is described as “in-body GPS”, ----.

Soru 37

Which of the following is the main idea of this passage?

Soru 38

38-40. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

China is famous for its pandas, and infamous for its pollution. To celebrate the country’s national animal while also combating greenhouse gas emissions, a solar power plant investor and operator has unveiled a brand-new panda shaped plant in Datong, China. The solar-panel bear is enormous, but it’s only the first stage of construction for the new Panda Power Plant. The plant currently has a capacity of 50 megawatts. In the near future, it is planned to construct a second solar panda. When fully connected, the Panda Power Plant will measure 1500 acres and have a capacity of 100 megawatts. In the next 25 years, the Panda Power Plant will produce 3.2 billion kilowatt hours of solar energy, thus reducing China’s dependence on coal and carbon emissions by 2.74 million tons. As for the pandas themselves, their black and white features are rendered using two types of solar panels: white thin film photovoltaic (PV) cells and black monocrystalline silicon PV cells. The amusing designs are intended to promote awareness about clean energy among young people. Chinese youth will also be recruited to attend summer camps at the Panda Power Plant to learn more about green energy production. Panda Green Energy also plans to construct panda-themed power stations in Fiji and the Philippines, with the goal of constructing 100 panda plants around the world over the next five years.

The solar plants are designed to look like a panda because ----.

Soru 39

According to the passage, once two panda shaped solar plants are combined ----.

Soru 40

The underlined word “infamous” in the passage has the same meaning with ----.

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  • Toplam Soru : 40
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