testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

2022 YDT ingilizce Deneme Sınavı 2

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

1-3. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Overtaking on single carriageway roads is one of the most dangerous manoeuvres drivers can perform, and is usually unnecessary. Overtaking is dangerous because it is impossible to accurately judge the speed and distance of approaching traffic. This lack of judgement can easily be fatal when travelling at speed on the wrong side of the road. If two vehicles headed towards each other are both travelling at 60mph, the gap between decreases by about 60 metres every second. It is, therefore, incredibly dangerous to overtake on rural roads, where there will rarely be enough straight, visible road ahead to be certain that nothing is coming in the opposite direction. It is also simply not worth it: if you are travelling at 55mph, and you overtake someone doing 50mph, and you have ten miles left of your journey, you’ll only arrive one minute faster than if you’d stayed behind the slower vehicle. However, in reality you wouldn’t even save this much time, as you would still need to slow down for bends, junctions, etc. Authorities advise that overtaking should be avoided unless absolutely essential, for instance to overtake an extremely slow moving vehicle on a long, open stretch, without speeding or traffic coming the other way. Otherwise just hang back, relax and enjoy the journey.

What is the danger regarding overtaking on rural roads?

Soru 2

According to the paragraph, ----.

Soru 3

The authorities argue that ----.

Soru 4

4-8. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

Ashley: I thought you were going to buy a new flat in this neighbourhood.

Brian : Well, I was going to buy one, but the prices are just too high.

Ashley: ----

Brian : I will probably just stay in my current apartment for the time being and wait for the real estate prices to go down.

Soru 5

Lena : What do you think we should have for dinner tonight?

Lisa : ----

Lena : I know that, but you’re putting on a little weight, aren’t you?

Lisa : You might be right. I guess I should go on a diet as soon as possible.

Soru 6

Nancy : I suppose chronic diseases are on the rise because of an ageing population.

Martin : That is not so simple. More than half of the patients catch them at early ages.

Nancy : ----

Martin : No, it’s not. Urbanisation also plays quite an important role.

Soru 7

Burak : The report says, a company is launching some satellites in a project aimed at delivering affordable Internet access to every corner of the globe.

Derya : ----

Burak : Well, China, Russia and North Korea have already voiced concerns that the network could damage their national security.

Derya : As a matter of fact, they might be right as such a network could be used to gather intelligence.

Soru 8

Kevin : If you are a Star Wars fan, there is good news for you as the ninth film called “The Rise of Skywalker” will be made soon. The film will be starring Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and the late Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia.

Richard : ----

Kevin : She did; however, the producers were able to use previously unseen footage from the film “The Force Awakens”.

Richard : I see. Well, that’s great news. Besides Star Wars films, I am also a huge fan of Carrie Fisher and I can’t miss the opportunity to watch her final acting performance.

Soru 9

9-13. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulunuz.

The foundation of the ancient pyramids still remains unknown despite the fact that scientists toil over them and do numerous scientific studies.

Soru 10

No matter how hard they try, they will always be surpassed by their competitors in this tournament.

Soru 11

There isn’t enough evidence to prove that cell phones cause people to develop cancer because of using them too much.

Soru 12

According to most psychologists, our personalities are just like teeth: they’re stable on a daily basis, but can shift over time

Soru 13

As a matter of fact, cartoons are created for different purposes as there are cartoonists drawing their cartoons for political commentary while there are others creating their cartoons for entertainment.

Soru 14

14-18. sorularda verilen durumda söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

One of your friends has just been offered a job from two companies and she can’t decide which is more advantageous for her. You know that one of the companies requires long working hours despite its high salary and it will probably be difficult for her to take care of her children. She asks you for advice and you say: ----

Soru 15

After arguing with your father about living in separate houses, you tell your mother the situation and your plans. However, you realise that she is of the same opinion with your dad. You are determined on moving and nothing can change your mind. You say: ----

Soru 16

Your friend’s daughter wants to study music at the conservatory. He is worried that she will become one of the university graduates who seeks a job to make a living for a long time, so he wants to deter her from her decision. Upon hearing that, you are quite shocked because you think she is very talented. You feel you ought to encourage him and let her daughter pursue her dreams: ----

Soru 17

You’re on a trip to your best friend’s hometown, where you can find many historical places and natural beauties to visit. After a tiring day out, your friend insists that you taste the local dishes; however, you know that they use a lot of spices and therefore you prefer eating something like pasta or pizza. You don’t want to be rude to your friend while refusing her offer. You say: ----

Soru 18

You and your brother are getting ready for a conference. Your brother is rather impatient and tells you to hurry for fear that you will be late. As you know that you really don’t need to be punctual since such conferences tend to start a bit later than arranged, you say: ----

Soru 19

19-23. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

A child with autism spectrum disorder who is very sensitive may be greatly troubled -sometimes even pained- by sorunds, touches, smells, or sights that seem normal to others. Children who are autistic may have repetitive, stereotyped body movements such as rocking, pacing, or hand flapping. They may have unusual responses to people, attachments to objects, resistance to change in their routines, or aggressive or self-injurious behaviour. At times, they may seem not to notice people, objects, or activities in their surroundings. ---- 

Soru 20

America has always been full of languages, a fact that has been a sorurce of pride. However, there has long been a fundamental misconception about one of its distinctive tongues: the speech of some of the country’s black population, especially in highly isolated areas. ---- Instead, it is like a cousin. It developed from the same roots, but in a different direction, born of unique circumstances. Enslaved people from various African backgrounds took what they learned of English and made it their own.

Soru 21

---- No longer will we have to worry about the security of our login credentials. They are set to be replaced by an infinitely more secure login system known as Web Authentication. It is a system that will be universally used by web browsers and platforms for simpler and stronger authentication processes. It will allow website users to log in securely to their online accounts using a digital device, biometrics such as fingerprints and facial recognition or USB security keys.

Soru 22

A theme park in France has established a novel and environmentally friendly way of keeping its grounds free of litter. ---- The birds pick up the litter and deposit it into a special trash can which then delivers some bird feed as a reward. The more litter the birds put in the trash can, the more food they get.

Soru 23

Finland is not satisfied with constantly being top of the world’s education leagues. The government is now planning to reform its education system so that young Finns are better prepared for the digital age. ---- An example of this would be to use 3D printers in history classes so students can create models of ancient buildings. The government also wants to promote vocational training and encourage learning in real-life work settings.

Soru 24

24-29. sorularda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

A group of engineers and architects have put forward the idea of building a floating city which will be able to withstand all sorts of natural disasters, including floods and tsunamis.

Soru 25

Both bacteria and viruses can cause diseases, but knowing which is the culprit is critical for the treatment to be effective.

Soru 26

The Scandinavians not only changed the history of European countries, but they also established territories in Iceland, Greenland and temporarily, North America.

Soru 27

NASA is working on their massive Space Launch System, a next-generation heavy lift rocket that could launch cargo and astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit for the first time since the Apollo program.

Soru 28

Irish Potato Famine, also known as the Great Hunger, led to more than 1 million deaths and caused millions of people to emigrate from their country to North America and Great Britain.

Soru 29

The most important things to consider when trying to understand the story of the Christmas tree are the significance of evergreen plants in pagan cultures and the symbolism of the winter solstice.

Soru 30

30-35. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz.

Hiroşima ve Nagazaki’ye atom bombaları atıldığından beri, hükümetler atomun barışçıl olduğu kadar savaşçı bir tarafının da olduğunu vurgulamaya çalışıyorlar.

Soru 31

Bazı araştırmacılar bir milyondan az nöron içeren bir beyne sahip olmalarına rağmen, bal arılarının sıfır kavramını anlama gibi karmaşık problemleri çözebildiklerini buldular.

Soru 32

Uzak doğu felsefesinin yanı sıra tıp biliminden de önemli ölçüde etkilenmiş olan Çin mutfağı ülkenin geniş coğrafyasıyla doğru orantılı bir zenginliğe sahiptir.

Soru 33

Psikanalitik tedavinin amacı hastaların mevcut davranış, düşünce ve duygularında rol alabilecek bilinç dışı etkileri daha iyi anlamalarına yardımcı olmaktır.

Soru 34

Arkeologlar İnkalar tarafından inşa edilen Machu Picchu kalesinin karbon-14 testinin verdiği kronolojik tarih olan on beşinci yüzyıla dayandığını varsaymaktadırlar.

Soru 35

Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki astrofizikçiler daha önceleri ancak bilgisayar simülasyonları ile çizilebilen süper kütleli bir kara deliğin gerçek fotoğrafını kamuoyu ile paylaştılar.

Soru 36

36-40. sorularda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Beowulf is regarded as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature. (II) The story was passed down from generation to generation before and after the migration of the Anglo-Saxons from Scandinavia into England. (III) The characters in Beowulf could not have been Christian since the AngloSaxons had not met Christianity in the pre-migration period. (IV) It tells how a young nobleman called Beowulf travels to Denmark to kill Grendel, a monster that attacks the king’s castle and eats his men every night. (V) According to the story, Beowulf pretends to be asleep in the castle hall, waits for the enemy, then rips off one of the monster’s arms with his bare hands.

Soru 37

(I) Women continued to need help to get dressed throughout the 19th century and into the early years of the 20th. (II) It was only during the First World War, when even the clothes of better off women became simpler and more practical, that they started to be able to dress themselves. (III) Even so, society women still kept their ladies’ maids throughout the 1920s and 30s and continued to be dressed by them as a mark of their social status and wealth. (IV) Those maids were not satisfied with their position and didn’t want to do the laundry and ironing. (V) The practice only ended finally with the outbreak of the Second World War when most servants left their employers and joined the armed forces.

Soru 38

(I) Paleaontology is a science which deals with the life of past geological periods as known from fossil remains. (II) The Paleaontological Research Institution states that there are fewer jobs in this area in the U.S. than there were a few years ago, but a few good jobs still become available each year. (III) It’s an interdisciplinary field involving geology, archaeology, chemistry, biology, archaeology and anthropology. (IV) A paleaontologist studies the history and process of evolution by examining fossils, the preserved traces of long dead animals and plants. (V) Using data from the fossilized bones, ancient pollen, and other clues, paleaontologists dig up the details on past climates and past extinctions.

Soru 39

(I) First described by the German zoologist Johann August Ephraim Goeze in 1773, Tardigrades are nearly indestructible terrestrial species in spite of their size. (II) They are known as water bears or moss piglets and are believed to survive extremes of cold, hot and even the vacuum of space. (III) The distribution of terrestrial species is affected by abiotic factors involving soil, rain and temperature. (IV) Besides, they can resist radiation doses of 5,000 to 6,000 grays, whereas humankind only survives a maximum dose of 5. (V) According to a new study, researchers predict that they will probably be the last species alive when the Earth eventually turns into an almost inhabitable place.

Soru 40

(I) Peter McNaughton, a professor of pharmacology at King’s College London, is a devoted optimist. (II) He acknowledges that his positivity can sometimes seem irrational, but he also knows that without it he wouldn’t have achieved all that he has. (III) And what he’s achieved is quite possibly monumental. (IV) These form the basis for a prospective painkilling drug with the potential to treat multiple chronic pain conditions. (V) After decades of research into the cellular basis of chronic pain, McNaughton believes he has discovered the fundamentals of a drug that might eradicate it.

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  • Toplam Soru : 40
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