testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

2021 Ocak LGS İngilizce Örnek Sorular 2

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

Answer questions 1 − 3 according to the invitation card below.

2019 LGS örnek soruları çöz

Complete the sentence. The invitation card is for a/an - - - -.

Soru 2

Complete the sentence.

The event will be - - - -.

Soru 3

Complete the sentence.

If students want to ask for more information, they should - - - -

Soru 4

Answer the question according to the dialogue between Angela and Bridgeti.

Fill in the blank

2019 LGS örnek soruları çöz

Soru 5

Answer the question according to the dialogue between Jeremy and Paul.

Complete the sentence.

2019 LGS örnek soruları çöz

Jeremy: You should be careful about the things you share on the Internet.

Paul : What do you mean?

Jeremy: I mean don’t - - - -.

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  • Toplam Soru : 5
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