testyazılı sorularıçıkmış sorularkonu anlatımsoru bankası

2022 LGS İngilizce Online Test III

Sıralı Test Çöz
Soru 1

İsmail: What do you want to do about your life?

Esin: I would like to go to college and study science.

İsmail: ........... you want to be a scientist?

Esin: Yes, exactly.

Soru 2

Yesterday, somebody stole my bike from our garden. I called the police. The policemen arrived at my house in a short time. They tried very hard but ................

Soru 3

................ because it’s dangerous for your skin.

Soru 4

I want to be a doctor because ................

Soru 5

It’s very cold today. ................

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  • Toplam Soru : 5
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